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Diocese Of Sioux Falls

Welcome to CMG Connect, the Diocese of Sioux Falls training hub for safe environment and risk management.


The Diocese of Sioux Falls began using CMG Connect in July 2016.

  • If you have not completed training since July 2016, you will need to create a new account by completing the form to the right.

  • If you have completed training since July 2016, please sign-in to your existing account by clicking the “Sign In” button located at the top right of this screen or under the Existing Accounts area.


  1. ONLY ONE ACCOUNT IS ALLOWED PER PERSON. If you forgot your username, password or are unable to sign-in, please contact your local coordinator, the diocesan coordinator (email or email the CMG Connect support via the blue Support button in the lower right corner of this page. 

    1. Criminal background checks are connected to your account. Employees and volunteers who create a duplicate account and submit a duplicate background check may be responsible for the cost of the duplicate background check.

  2. Email Address: Email addresses are not required, HOWEVER, providing an email address allows you to retrieve a forgotten password as long as you remember your username.

Please use your home mailing address.
Your birthdate is requested to verify your age

Providing a valid email allows you to retrieve a forgotten password and receive reminders from CMG Connect. Your email is not shared and will not be used for marketing purposes.

Please select the parish or school you are primarily associated with (if you are a paid educator or employee, choose the diocesan organization where you work as your primary).

Select your role with your parish or school.

Select your more specific job or volunteer description.

Existing Accounts

Do you have an account? If so, you don't need to sign up for a new one. Click the "Sign In" button in the upper right hand corner of this window. Otherwise, register for a new account below.

Register for a New Account

Enter your first, middle, and last name as they appear on your driver’s license or official identification. Do not use prefixes, i.e., Rev., Fr., Sr., Jr., Dcn.

I participate as a/an:. *